Ace Your Exams With AI-Powered Active Recall

Unlock, practice, and master unlimited questions designed to boost your knowledge and accelerate your learning.

Trusted by 1000+ students


Trusted by students at:

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University of Cambridge logo
University of Oxford Logo
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University of Cambridge logo
University of Oxford Logo
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Harvard logo

Features and benefits

Elevate Your Exam Preparation with Active Recall

Our question banks are expertly curated by experts in their respective fields to ensure high-quality, effective study material.

Infinite Questions

Master your exam prep with infinite questions, grouped by categories, to help you succeed.

Detailed Explanations

Reinforce your learning with in-depth explanations & pro-tips for each answer.

Access from Anywhere

Unlike conventional physical resources, our platform is fully online, allowing you to study anytime, anywhere.

Unlimited usage

Our platform offers unlimited usage, ensuring you can study and practice as much as you need.

learn by active recall

Access your subject-specific question bank

Whether it’s Medicine, Dentistry, Law or another subject, you’ll enjoy a fun, interactive approach to learning.

Cancel membership anytime!*










Hear what students say about us

Discover how our expertly curated question banks help students master their subjects and achieve their academic goals. Read more about how our platform supports your learning.


An incredible resource for students! The question banks have been a game-changer in helping me prepare for exams. Highly recommend!

Alex Davies


Fantastic platform! The question banks are so well structured and have really boosted my confidence for my medical exams.

David Lee


Absolutely love these questions banks! They’re the perfect way to test my knowledge and improve my performance in the SQE.

Emily Brown


These question banks are a lifesaver! They’ve made studying for the MFDS exams much more manageable and effective.

Sarah Jawad

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Interactive learning

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Instant feedback

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Instant explanations

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Comprehensive coverage

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Interactive learning

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Instant feedback

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Instant explanations

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Comprehensive coverage

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Interactive learning

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Instant feedback

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Instant explanations

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Comprehensive coverage

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Easy to use platform

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Instant feedback

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Expertly curated

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Subject categories

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Topic breakdown

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Easy to use platform

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Instant feedback

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Expertly curated

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Subject categories

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Topic breakdown

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Easy to use platform

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Instant feedback

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Expertly curated

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Subject categories

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Topic breakdown


Choose the perfect plan for your learning journey

Get started with our free plan or jump straight into our pro plan




Limited Access

  • Free access to select questions
  • Basic email support


Most Popular



Save 50% – £98

Full Access

  • Unlimited access to endless practice questions – ensuring you never run out of opportunities to master your subject!
  • Practice by topic
  • Set question count
  • Comprehensive explanations provided for each question
  • Pro-tip along with each question
  • Priority support
  • Exclusive benefits


(For Schools, Universities and Law Firms)

Full Access

  • Everything in Pro, Plus:
  • Unlimited access for all your users
  • Teachers/Tutors can seamlessly generate questions to aid teaching
  • Student cohort can learn with active recall, helping boost their grades
  • Law firms can help support apprentices/trainees/paralegals preparing for the SQE
  • Onboarding & Training


Frequently asked questions

What subjects do MyQuestionBanks cover?

Our question banks offer comprehensive coverage across various subjects, including Medicine, Dentistry & Law. We also plan to expand to more subjects soon.

How do I create an account

Simply click on the “Sign Up” button on our homepage, fill in your details, and you’ll be ready to start testing yourself right away.

Is there a Free Trial available?

Yes! We offer a ‘Basic Plan’ for new users, giving you access to a select few questions and features to get a flavour of the platform.

How often are new questions added?

Our question banks are already very comprehensive but we also regularly update them to include fresh and challenging questions, ensuring that you’re always prepared for what’s ahead.

Can I track my progress on the platform?

Absolutely! Our platform provides detailed analytics on your performance, including strengths and areas for improvement.

Is MyQuestionBanks available on mobile?

Yes, our platform is fully mobile-responsive. You can access it on any device, including smartphones and tablets.

Can I create custom questions or practice sets?

This feature will be added soon – keep an eye out!

How do I upgrade to a pro subscription?

You can upgrade to a pro subscription by purchasing the pro plan above – your account will automatically be upgraded. Our pro plan offers additional features like hundreds more questions, detailed explanations, pro-tips and priority email support.

What if I have a question about a specific topic or subject?

If you have a question about any topic, feel free to reach out to our support team (

How can I partner with MyQuestionBanks as an influencer?

We love collaborating with influencers! If you’re interested in partnering with us, please reach out directly via email at

Have another question? Talk to our team →

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